Ensuring Science-Based Restoration

Mangroves are a Key Blue Carbon Ecosystem

The restoration and conservation of mangroves in the Emirate help support the implementation of the Abu Dhabi Climate Change Strategy and Abu Dhabi’s biodiversity conservation and restoration goals, and is aligned with the UAE’s climate goals. Abu Dhabi’s mangroves along with other blue carbon ecosystems in Abu Dhabi are known to sequester nearly 41 million tonnes of carbon and are vital to mitigate climate change.

Safeguarding Successful Mangrove Restoration

Safeguarding Successful Mangrove Restoration

To achieve success, the role of the Abu Dhabi Mangrove Initiative (ADMI) is to ensure that mangroves are planted according to scientific standards with suitable timing and location, endorse post plantation monitoring and accountability and prioritise protection. ADMI aims to:

  • Ensure science-based restoration that is aligned with global best practice and according to scientific assessments
  • Verify all mangrove planting projects and claims of success through evidence-based monitoring and reporting
  • Encourage public and private sector interest in nature-based solutions, mangrove and coastal ecosystem conservation and restoration through joining the ADMI partnership programme to guide entities and individuals on how to contribute
  • Communicate that restoration is complex, requiring ecological expertise and extending EAD know-how to support mangrove restoration projects conducted by other entities through the ADMI partnership programme
  • Educate that planting is not the only way to support mangroves, and that mangrove ecosystems require protection, monitoring, enhanced awareness, and holistic coastal ecosystem conservation.

The Key Pillars of ADMI

ADMI is creating a UAE-based Centre of Excellence through the establishment of a state-of-the-art innovation centre and nursery for the restoration of mangroves to ensure science-based implementation of coastal ecosystem research and restoration projects with all key stakeholders. Its work includes:


Mapping, monitoring, and enhancing our understanding of Abu Dhabi’s coastal habitats..


Advocating for the protection of mangrove and all other coastal habitats across Abu Dhabi and globally.


Partnering with regional and international entities to address nature-based solutionsto climate change


Involving local and regional stakeholders and communities from all sectors.


Using technology to create innovative solutions and cost-effective programmes for nature restoration

Ensuring Successful Nature Restoration

To be assessed by the mangrove planting supplier and by EAD, but usually a site where mangroves already exist and are healthy, where there are no other habitats existing already, and where there is no intensive coastal engineering needed or being conducted. It is important to avoid planting in habitats like salt marsh and mudflats to prevent these key habitats from being converted to mangroves.

To be assessed by the mangrove planting supplier and by EAD, but usually a site where mangroves already exist and are healthy, where there are no other habitats existing already, and where there is no intensive coastal engineering needed or being conducted. It is important to avoid planting in habitats like salt marsh and mudflats to prevent these key habitats from being converted to mangroves.

To be assessed by the mangrove planting supplier and by EAD, but usually a site where mangroves already exist and are healthy, where there are no other habitats existing already, and where there is no intensive coastal engineering needed or being conducted. It is important to avoid planting in habitats like salt marsh and mudflats to prevent these key habitats from being converted to mangroves.

To be assessed by the mangrove planting supplier and by EAD, but usually a site where mangroves already exist and are healthy, wherethere are no other habitats existing already, and where there is no intensive coastal engineering needed or being conducted. It isimportant to avoid planting in habitats like salt marsh and mudflats to prevent these key habitats from being converted to mangroves.

Partnering with ADMI and Planting Permits

Mangrove planting and restoration, for afforestation or restoration purposes, requires technical and scientific oversight by EAD through the Abu Dhabi Mangrove Initiative. If planted in the wrong location, wrong season or through incorrect methodology, risks to existing critical coastal habitat or mortality rate of planted mangroves may ensue.

Partner With ADMI
Meeting with entity and briefing on ADMI partnership program
Partner joins ADMI and restoration plan is developed with EAD
Planting and Seed collection form submitted and reviewed by EAD
Permit issued by EAD after verifying site suitability
Carry out restoration plan
Site regularly monitored by entity or assigned contractor

Organisations involved in mangrove or other coastal ecosystem restoration, or conservation projects are therefore encouraged to partner with ADMI to validate projects, obtain the correct scientific guidance and necessary permission for all nature restoration programmes, including mangrove planting and seed collection.

Abu Dhabi Mangrove Initiative Planting & Seed Collection Form